More about Tyneside Group Team- Meet Lia Campbell

​It's time to wrap up the year, and what better way than the final team Q&A of 2020. We spoke to Lia to learn more about her and her role at Tyneside Group. 

1. So Lia, tell us about your role at Tyneside Group...

My role of Finance Officer covers all aspects of Finance for the three Tyneside Companies.

2. What's the best thing about your job?

The people I work for and with, they are like a second family.

3. What attracted you initially to a career in property?

Thankfully, my career in Finance meant I could join Tyneside Group with no previous knowledge of working in property.

4. What achievements are you particularly proud of?

Nothing will ever make me prouder than my little girl, Sofia.

5. How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

Enthusiastic, loud, particular.

6. What’s your favourite thing about being back in the office?

Saving money on coffee! Seeing everyone’s lovely faces too of course!

7. Next time you travel, where will you go?

Aegina, to visit my family.

8. What five words come to mind when you think about Tyneside Group?

Caring, understanding, kind, generous, loyal.

9. What have you learned during the lockdown?

How to make cookies!

Thanks to Lia for taking the time to answer our questions. We hope you enjoyed learning more about the team and look forward to more Q&As as we roll into 2021! Want to learn more out more about the team? Visit our team page.

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